Spoiler Alert

All three are me...

If you've taken the time to read this far and dig this deep,  I feel you've earned the right to know that I,  Christine Bartsch, am the author of every novel published by Ishkabibble Books.  I've chosen to write under three different pen names (C.B. Arche,  Chris Gotham Winter,  and Lillian Lea) because I write in such a wide array of genres.  Plus,  I didn't want any young fans of C.B. Arche to accidentally come across my more grown-up murder mystery or romance books,  so I'm publishing those under different pseudonyms. 

At this time,  I have no intention of ever publishing content written by other authors.

Curious as to how I chose my three pen names?

C. B. Arche: This one's pretty obvious. C. is my first initial and B. is my last initial. "Arch" is how my name is pronounced (Bartsch rhymes with march),  and I fancied it up by sticking my middle initial on the end of it. 

(Truthfully,  I intended to go with C. B. Arch at first,  but apparently architectural firms like to shorten their website names to "arch" instead of spelling it out,  so cbarch.com was already taken.  I'm glad though,  because Arche just looks better than Arch as a last name.)

Chris Gotham Winter: The first name is a no-brainer,  as it's a common nickname for Christine (and the name I went by all through high school and beyond;  yes,  I was Chrissy when I was little...). The last two names are in honor of the maiden names of my two grandmothers. Winter is the maiden name of my paternal grandmother,  and Gotham (pronounced "Goh-tham,"  not like Batman's Gotham City) is the maiden name of my maternal grandmother.

Lillian Lea: The most obscure of my pen names is also in honor of my late mother (just like Ishkabibble Books is named after her).  Lillian is her middle name,  and Lea is the second half of her first name,  Monalea (pronounced Mah-nalea,  not like Mona Lisa). She was an avid lover of romance novels and films,  so it seemed fitting to write my own romances under a variation of her name.
